The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has issued a warning to rental property owners, urging them to ensure their tax ret […]
The ATO announces its priorities for Tax Time 2024. As ‘tax time’ approaches, the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has a[…]
检查您是否可以通过缩减供款将出售房屋所得的资金存入您的养老金基金,以及如何存入。 accountant Melbourne 关于缩减规模供款 如果您年满 55 岁,您最多可以将出售(或部分出售)房屋所得的 300,000 澳元存入您的养老金[…]
Check if and how you can contribute money from the sale of your home into your super fund via a downsizing contribution.[…]
有关功能货币规则、资格以及对税务会计和报告的影响的信息。 accountant Melbourne 阅读本指南来了解有关功能货币规则的更多信息: 如果您符合以下条件,则可以使用本指南: 本指南不包括居民纳税人在海外常设机构的收入。 功能货币[…]
accountant Melbourne Information about functional currency rules, eligibility and the implications for tax accounting an[…]
三名昆士兰州妇女因非法试图获取养老金而被判处监禁。 三名昆士兰州妇女因非法试图根据联邦政府的 COVID-19 计划获取养老金而被判处监禁。 两名妇女都承认有罪,2024 年 5 月 28 日,星期二在布里斯班地方法院被判处三年零六个月监禁[…]
Three Queensland women who illegally attempted to access superannuation payments have been sentenced to imprisonment. Th[…]
针对需要注册资产或更新现有资产详细信息的外国投资者的说明。 什么是资产 资产可以是: • 财产——住宅或商业房地产,或农业用地 • 可登记的水权益(水权) • 商业利益 • 采矿、生产或勘探权。 登记资产无需缴纳任何费用。 注册新资产 检查[…]
How to apply for super held by the ATO online or by using the paper application form (NAT 74880). Manage your super onli[…]