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Operation Underpitch smashes money laundering, tax evasion and foreign worker exploitation within the NSW and ACT construction industry

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A joint investigation between the Australian Border Force (‘ABF’) and the ATO spanning almost two and a half years has led to the disruption of serious criminal behaviour by four Chinese nationals within the NSW and ACT construction industries.
A 55-year-old Chinese national this week received a criminal conviction and fine for her involvement in money laundering, tax evasion and foreign worker exploitation within the construction industry – one of four people to be successfully prosecuted under ‘Operation Underpitch’.

Operation Underpitch is an ABF-led investigation by the Serious Financial Crime Taskforce (‘SFCT’), which comprises of multiple agencies including (among others) the ABF, the ATO and ASIC.
The ABF has successfully disrupted organisers of the money laundering cohort through the execution of warrants in NSW and the ACT during 2022. Collectively, these criminals have withdrawn more than $137 million since arriving in Australia, facilitating cash payments to foreign workers being exploited in the NSW and the ACT construction industries.

ABF Commander Special Investigations Penny Spies said the diligent work sent a strong message to criminals that the ABF would continue to work side by side with law enforcement partners to stamp out these practices.
“Dishonest employers in the construction industry often pay workers in cash, meaning employees miss out on entitlements including superannuation. All workers deserve fair pay and fair treatment”, Commander Spies said.

The operation is ongoing and the ABF will continue to work collaboratively with partner agencies to address foreign worker exploitation, tax fraud, money laundering and associated criminality.
For more information on the SFCT and how to recognise the signs of financial crime visit Anyone aware of foreign worker exploitation, or any suspicious or illegal immigration, visa, customs and trade activity is asked to contact www.borderwatch.
Ref: ATO website, Media release, 20 July 2023 go goole

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