
Practice Update (10/2024)

Avoid a Tax Time Shock Individual taxpayers can take the following steps to ensure the correct amount of tax is being set aside throughout the year: Editor: If you would like to discuss or implement any of these steps and strategies in more detail, please feel free to contact our office. Reminder of September Quarter Superannuation Guarantee […]



Taskforce Action on Electronic Sales Suppression Tools

How the Serious Financial Crime Taskforce is acting against electronic sales suppression tools. On this page Businesses Illegally Using ESSTs The Serious Financial Crime Taskforce (SFCT) is aware of businesses using electronic sales suppression tools (ESSTs) to underreport their taxable income. With the increased use of digital technologies and online interactions, we are seeing: It has been[…]



Key Insights from the Public Groups Findings Reports

Read the latest information about our 2024 Public Groups findings reports. We’re continuing to provide transparency with the latest release of our findings reports. This year, our Public Groups findings reports provide insight into large market risks, our programs of work, and engagement with large public and multinational companies. Each report has a separate focus and dataset,[…]



Voluntary disclosures for APRA funds

When to make a voluntary disclosure As an Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) fund, you should contact ATO as early as possible if: How to make a voluntary disclosure You should lodge a voluntary disclosure request by accessing the Super Enquiry Service (SES) for APRA funds. They’ll work with you to resolve reporting errors to help you[…]



Phoenix Taskforce

About the Phoenix Taskforce The Phoenix Taskforce was established in 2014 to detect, deter and disrupt illegal phoenixing. We provide education and advice on how businesses can protect themselves and not break the law. We also work with specific industries and supply chains to close off opportunities. Phoenix Taskforce agencies share information and use sophisticated data-matching tools[…]



General Anti-Avoidance Rules and PSI

Overview of general anti-avoidance rules This information is relevant to you if both of the following apply: The PSI rules were introduced to prevent the diverting, alienating, or splitting of income with other individuals or entities in an attempt to pay less tax. The general anti-avoidance rules (GAAR) may still apply if you are a PSB and the[…]



Avoid a tax time shock

The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) is giving taxpayers simple steps to help avoid an unexpected tax bill next tax time. Assistant Commissioner Rob Thomson said there are many reasons that a taxpayer may end up with a bill at tax time. “There are a number of factors that impact your tax assessment. In simple terms, if you[…]



How to Report if Your Social Club is Not Income Tax Exempt

Your social club may not be eligible for income tax exemption and may be required to report as a taxable not-for-profit. Being a not-for-profit (NFP) organisation doesn’t automatically make you exempt from paying income tax. Social clubs or associations generally don’t meet the requirements for income tax exemption either as: If your social club or association’s main[…]



Practice  Update ( 9 / 2024 )

Taxpayers can start lodging their tax returns With millions of pieces of information now pre-filled (including information from most banks, employers, government agencies, and private health insurers), the ATO is giving taxpayers with simple affairs the ‘green light’ to lodge their tax returns.Taxpayers who plan to claim deductions this year should make sure they have the correct[…]