Claim your super: Online, Paper applications and Authorising someone to claim on your behalf

You can apply for a DASP via either:

Before submitting your DASP application, check with your employer to confirm they have paid all the super they are required to.

Online applications

You can use the DASP online application system free of charge

The DASP online system will automatically confirm your immigration status online with the Department of Home Affairs – you don’t need to apply for a Certification of Immigration Status from the Department of Home Affairs unless directed by your super fund. You can start and save your online application while you are still in Australia and have all the relevant information handy.

You can only submit a DASP application when you’ve left Australia and do not hold an active visa. For further information on visa cessation, including cancellation, once you have departed Australia, see Cancelling a visa (

Take note of the information you enter when you start your online application. You’ll need the same details to resume your saved application after you leave Australia.

Where the value of your super money is $5,000 or more, your super fund may require certified copies of your proof of identification documents.

It’s much easier to certify documents while you are in Australia. As there are specific rules on who can certify documents, we recommend you do this before you leave. Check with your super fund to confirm what documents are required.

For more information on how to use the system, see Help with the DASP online application system.

Paper applications

For super held by a super fund, you need to complete the Application for departing Australia superannuation payment form (NAT 7204) and send one to each of your super funds.

If you’re applying on a paper form, your super fund may charge you a fee depending on the value of your super money. Your super fund will also require certified copies of your proof of identification documents.

It’s much easier to certify documents while you are in Australia. As there are specific rules on who can certify documents, we recommend you do this before you leave. Check with your super fund to confirm what documents are required.

For ATO-held super, use the Application for payment of ATO-held superannuation money (NAT 74880) and send it directly to us. There are no costs for paper applications sent to the ATO.

Super value of $5,000 or more

For super accounts with a balance of $5,000 or more, paper applications to super funds may require a Certification of Immigration Status from Home Affairs, which charges a fee to issue this certificate. They will email it directly to you and the super funds you nominate.

Request a Certificate of Immigration Status from Home Affairs using Form 1194 Certification of Immigration Status .

Super value of less than $5,000

For super accounts with a balance of less than $5,000, you can provide evidence that you have left Australia and your visa has expired without completing the Certification of Immigration Status.

Ask your super fund what evidence you need to provide. If you’re not able to provide the evidence yourself, your super fund may ask you for a Certification of Immigration Status from Home Affairs before they can process your application.

If you have held a WHM visa and haven’t applied for a Certification of Immigration Status from Home Affairs, you’ll need to provide your visa information on the paper application. This may be checked against Home Affairs records and your application may take longer to process if it doesn’t match.

Authorising someone to claim on your behalf

You can authorise someone else to apply for your DASP. They can act on your behalf and update your information, so consider carefully who you allow to represent you.

Your representative will need a written authority from you before they can submit your DASP application.

You can nominate either:

  • a tax agent with full registration or conditional registration for the purpose of claiming DASP with the Tax Practitioners Board
  • another person if you use a DASP paper form.

Registered tax agents can claim DASP on your behalf through the DASP online intermediary application system.

Anyone applying on your behalf using a paper form will have to satisfy your super fund they have the authority to claim on your behalf. Ask your super fund what documents they require.

Ref: ATO website

Please contact Wiselink Accountants if you require further information

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