Use our small business benchmarks to improve your business

Find out how your small business compares to others in your industry.

We’ve updated our small business benchmarks for 2021–22. The benchmarks help you compare your business turnover and expenses to other small businesses in the same industry.

For example, Deb runs a pizza shop as a sole trader. She’d like to track her business against other pizza shop businesses, and see how she can improve.

Deb downloads the ATO app and opens the Business performance check tool. She uses this tool to work out the cost of sales to turnover benchmark for her pizza shop.

It’s within the higher end of the range and above the average for pizza shop businesses.

Deb works out her main supply costs. She then negotiates a better deal to reduce her business expenses and improve profit.

Find out how your business is tracking against other small businesses in the same industry and compare your business now.

You can access our benchmarks through the ATO website and then calculate your benchmark using the ATO app Business performance check tool. For further information you can also refer to our example of how to Compare your performance.

Remember, a registered tax professional or BAS agent can help you with your tax.

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