
Small Business – Get ready for tax time

Are you ready for tax time? This might be your last chance to make any tax-deductible purchases before this financial year ends on 30 June. See if there are any tax-deductible items your business needs, or any concessions you can access. Finalise your employees’ Single Touch Payroll (STP) If you have employees, make sure you finalise their 2023–24 STP information by 14 July. This is an important end-of-year obligation and ensures your employees have the right information they need to lodge their income tax return. Remember to finalise all employees you’ve paid in the financial year, even those you haven’t paid for a while, like terminated employees. Check your pay as you go (PAYG) withholding and instalments From 1 July, individual tax rates and thresholds will change. This […]



ATO flags 3 key focus areas for this tax time

The ATO announces its priorities for Tax Time 2024. As ‘tax time’ approaches, the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has announced it will be taking a close look at 3 common errors being made by taxpayers: ATO Assistant Commissioner Rob Thomson said the ATO is focused on supporting taxpayers to get their lodgment right the first time. ‘These are the areas that people are most likely to get wrong, and while these mistakes are often genuine, sometimes they are deliberate. Take the time to get your return right.’ Work-related expenses In 2023 more than 8 million people claimed a work-related deduction, and around half of those claimed a deduction related to working from home. Last year, the ATO revised the fixed[…]




如何在澳洲注册公司? 在澳洲注册注册公司,有着很多优势。 澳洲注册公司需要准备什么? 如需注册澳洲公司,请准备以下资料 澳大利亚公司注册与管理机构  注册澳大利亚公司必须要向澳大利亚证券投资委员会(Australian Security & Investment Commission,简称ASIC)进行申请。申请成功后,注册公司会自动获得一个澳大利亚公司号Australian Company Number,简称ACN。获得ACN后还要继续向澳洲税务局申请澳大利亚商业号码Australian Business Number,简称ABN,以及申请消费税GST申报后才算完成公司注册的全部程序。 注册澳大利亚商业号码ABN,消费税GST申报所需材料  注册澳大利亚公司号ACN和澳大利亚商业号码ABN需要的时间  澳大利亚证券投资委员会ASIC联系方式:http://www.asic.gov.au/澳大利亚商业注册机构Australian Business Register联系方式: http://www.abr.gov.au/澳大利亚税务局联系方式: http://www.ato.gov.au/ 如何注册公司建立自己的生意 ?如何在澳洲注册公司? 澳洲注册公司收费? 在澳洲成立及经营任何商务,均须在商业登记局(AUSTRALIAN SECURITIES COMMISSION)登记。除了少数外,澳洲的商业机构可分作三大类。 普通商业登记俗称无限公司,其成立过程十分简单,申请登记者先选择一个商号名称(Business Name),然后到商业登记局领取及填写一张很简单的表格,并付登记费75澳元便可,如你选择的名称不与任何现有商号冲突,商业登记局便于三周内发出商业登记牌照。如所选择的商号已被他人取用,则须另行选择其它名字。这种商业登记即可独资,也可多数股东合股,适宜小型生意采用。 私人有限公司须按照各省的公司法组合,其成立方法十分复杂,需请会计师、律师或专门代客成立公司的机构代办,政府收费和代理费用由1500澳元至2,000澳元以上不等。私人有限公司须有股东及董事二名以上,其最特出的要点是“有限债务”权,公司在成立后有自己的独立身份,与股东的个人资产,在一般情况下并无关联。私人有限公司在澳洲是无须审计的,相当适宜中小型机构。澳洲的公司均以这种体系成立。普通商业登记也可以是私人有限公司下属分部。 澳洲生意税务项目类型  除了入息税之外,附带在商业上的税务项目较多,最普遍者为以下数项: 营业税是货品转手时抽取的附加税。抽税点通常是在转卖结终用户时抽。营业税率较高,可达百分之二十以上。进口税因货而异,可高达百分之一百以上。其它税项数目较少,对营业影响不大。澳大利亚企业的所得税率为30%,无免税。合伙企业和投资公司无需交纳收入所得税。除上述之外,还有1.5%的医疗保险,低收入者和靠退休金生活的人们部分税金可作抵冲。在澳洲拥有一个合法的生意,不担可使自己有合法的收入,还可以使你的许多必须的费用变成合法的可退税及减税消费,特别是家庭式生意,如果你的住宅既为办公地址,则房租水电,汽油费等至少部分都可作为合法的生意消费。 在澳大利亚建立生意的两种方式  一种是购买一个生意,另一种是自己建立一个生意。 购买一个生意即既将原生意主的商店,货物,进货渠道,租约,用户群一起购买下来。这对新移民来说是一个最简洁的生意投资方式,但购买一个生意最少要花月利润十倍以上的价格。购买生意首先观察其地理位置及用户群,是否有同行竞争。将生意建在流量大的商场内,或交通不很方便但居民相对富裕的地区都是很好的主意(澳洲本地人除了每周一次到大商场购物外,其余时间更喜欢就近购买零散物品,即使其价格高50%也不计较)。在购买前最好请会计师为你核算一下原生意主提供的资料,看是否有利润合适。请律师为你参考出主意,办理购买手续,以免购买生意后留下一大滩后遗症。自己建立一个生意远比购买一个生意省钱得多。在澳大利亚如果你不是做进出口或大生意,又有一些不大的收入,并希望这些收入合法化则你必须注册澳大利亚生意-而不必注册为有限公司。注册生意要求申请人在十八岁以上,居住在澳大利亚。自创生意大慨有以下步骤:考察你所想做的生意的位置和用户群,是否有同行竞争。除非在人口特别密集地带,否则尽力不做重复的生意。减价的竞争累己累人又没有效益。咨询当地政府是否允许你在所计划的地点建你所要建的生意。核算所建生意的费用、设备投资、货物投资、至少三个月的房屋压金、装修及广告牌,如果你的生意需要执照牌的话这是一笔不小的费用,生意保险等。如资金不够,是否找到贷款机构。在澳大利亚基金、银行等都提供生意贷款。如果需要的活也可请个会计师为你核算一下。注册生意及生意税号(ABN)、申请牌照(如需要的话)、注册公司(如需要的话)、产权商标注册(如需要的话)。在进出口业务方面,以自然人的形式和以法人形式从事进出口业务也有许多不同,主要在于:以法人形式的,将持有公司代码,在进口货物报关时可以申请延迟交纳消费税(GST),待货物销售后再补交消费税;以自然人形式的,在进口货物报关时必须如数交纳消费税。在澳大利亚,以自然人形式从事进出口业务的情况较少。 注册公司从事进出口业务,需要办理的手续  合理避税的方法,澳洲留学生注册公司需要pr吗? 此外,运行有限公司的人一般要每个季度提交BAS(商业活动报告),缴纳GST增值税。请和你的会计师定期准时安排GST。 澳洲留学生注册公司不需要pr。近来有一些留学生朋友合伙购买一些小生意,比如网吧,连锁清洁生意等,这样的模式投资小,回报高,比单纯打工要强一些。



Reminder of December 2023 Quarter Superannuation Guarantee (‘SG’)

Employers are reminded that, in relation to their SG obligations for the quarter ending 31 December 2023, the due date is 28 January 2024.If the correct amount of SG is not paid by an employer on time, they will be liable to pay the SG charge, which includes a penalty and interest component.The SG rate is 11% for the 2024 income year.Please note: Many of the comments in this publication are general in nature and anyone intending to apply the information to practical circumstances should seek professional advice to independently verify their interpretation and the information’s applicability to their particular circumstances.



Notice of officeholder data-matching program including details and estimation that records relating

The ATO will acquire officeholder data from ASIC, the Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations and the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission for the 2024 and 2025 income years, including details such as: The ATO estimates that records relating to approximately 11 million individuals will be obtained. This program aims to (among other things) enable the Australian Business Registry Services to increase uptake of the director ID, and better utilise registry data to combat unlawful activity.

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Operation Underpitch smashes money laundering, tax evasion and foreign worker exploitation within the NSW and ACT construction industry

accountant melbourne A joint investigation between the Australian Border Force (‘ABF’) and the ATO spanning almost two and a half years has led to the disruption of serious criminal behaviour by four Chinese nationals within the NSW and ACT construction industries.A 55-year-old Chinese national this week received a criminal conviction and fine for her involvement in money laundering, tax evasion and foreign worker exploitation within the construction industry – one of four people to be successfully prosecuted under ‘Operation Underpitch’. Operation Underpitch is an ABF-led investigation by the Serious Financial Crime Taskforce (‘SFCT’), which comprises of multiple agencies including (among others) the ABF, the ATO and ASIC.The ABF has successfully disrupted organisers of the money laundering cohort through the execution[…]



Registration of Digital Games Tax Offset Rules-follows the recent enactment of legislation introducing a refundable tax offset

Registration of Digital Games Tax Offset rules The Government has registered the Income Tax Assessment (Digital Games Tax Offset) Rules 2023 (‘Rules’), which follows the recent enactment of legislation introducing a refundable tax offset for eligible expenditure incurred in the development of digital games. The Rules set out the procedural rules for how companies apply for various Digital Games Tax Offset (‘DGTO’) certificates, including a Completion Certificate, Porting Certificate or Ongoing Development Certificate for the DGTO, or provisional forms of those certificates. The Rules also set out the rules for the processing and assessment of such applications, including the seeking of expert advice and additional information from applicants. The Rules require certain information to be provided to the Arts Minister[…]



Losses in crypto investments for SMSFs

Over the last few income years, the ATO has seen some instances of SMSF trustees losing their crypto asset investments. These losses have been caused by: 1.    crypto scams, where trustees were conned into investing their superannuation benefits in a fake crypto exchange; 2.   theft, where fraudsters would hack into trustees’ crypto accounts and steal all their crypto; 3.    collapsed crypto trading platforms, many of which were based overseas; and 4.    lost passwords, resulting in trustees being locked out of their crypto account and being unable to access their crypto. Trustees thinking of investing in crypto need to be aware of the ways that crypto can be lost, including through scams, and how these scams can be avoided. Many crypto[…]



Claiming GST Credits for Employee Expense Reimbursements

When reimbursing employees, employers may be entitled to claim GST input tax credits for the expenses that are directly related to their business activities. A “reimbursement” is provided when a taxpayer pays their employee the amount, or part of the amount, of a particular work-related purchase they make. Employers are not entitled to a GST input tax credit if they pay their employee an allowance, or make a payment based on a national expense, such as a cents-per-kilometer payment, travel or meal allowance. An “allowance” is provided when a taxpayer pays their employee an amount for an estimated expense without requiring them to repay any excess. Taxpayers are expected to hold sufficient evidence to substantiate their claim, such as a[…]

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2023 Federal Budget Tax Updates

The Treasurer, Jim Chalmers, handed down his Federal Budget for the new financial year on Tuesday, 9 May 2023. Read on to about how to find out how this could affect your next tax return. Mr Chalmers walked away from the large, blanket tax cutting initiatives of the last Liberal government, such as Temporary Full Expensing (which applied to virtually all businesses) and the Low and Middle Income Tax Offset (which applied to all individual taxpayers with an income of less than $126,000), and instead focused on help which is more targeted and less generous. While the initiatives are likely to be welcomed by those taxpayers who are the target of the tax breaks, they will pass by many, if not most, taxpayers[…]