Notice of officeholder data-matching program including details and estimation that records relating

The ATO will acquire officeholder data from ASIC, the Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations and the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission for the 2024 and 2025 income years, including details such as:

  1.  their name, address and date of birth;
  2.  email address and contact phone number;
  3.  organisation class, type and status, and state of incorporation; and
  4.  officeholder type, role type, and officeholder role start and end dates.

The ATO estimates that records relating to approximately 11 million individuals will be obtained.

This program aims to (among other things) enable the Australian Business Registry Services to increase uptake of the director ID, and better utilise registry data to combat unlawful activity.

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Chinese Post, World of Business

新的小型企业学习平台可以帮助您的 NFP

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English Post, World of Business

New learning small business platform can help your NFP

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