Practice  Update ( 9 / 2024 )

Taxpayers can start lodging their tax returns

With millions of pieces of information now pre-filled (including information from most banks, employers, government agencies, and private health insurers), the ATO is giving taxpayers with simple affairs the ‘green light’ to lodge their tax returns.
Taxpayers who plan to claim deductions this year should make sure they have the correct records, and in most cases, “a bank or credit card statement (on its own) isn’t enough evidence to support a work-related deduction claim – you’ll need your receipts”.
The ATO reminds taxpayers that the rules regarding how and when they can claim a deduction can change, including in relation to car expenses and working from home costs. Therefore, they should not just ‘copy and paste’ their deductions from last year, and they may require assistance from their accountant in this regard.
The ATO notes that taxpayers using a registered tax agent normally have more time to lodge.
Editor: Feel free to contact us if you want to urgently lodge your return or if you want to confirm that you (and your related entities) are on our deferred lodgment program.

Business self-review checklist: GST classification of products

GST classification errors can lead to significant under-reporting of GST for some taxpayers.
The ATO recently issued guidance for small to medium businesses on self-reviewing GST classification of food and health products.
The use of this guide is not mandatory, although the ATO encourages small to medium businesses to regularly self-review the GST classification of supplies and adopt better practice processes and controls as listed in the accompanying checklist.
The checklist provides practical step-by-step guidance for entities to:

  • self-review the GST classification of their supplies (products they import, purchase as stock, or produce for sale); and
  • assess the robustness of their business systems, processes, and controls that directly impact their GST classification systems.

Small business food retailers with turnover of $2 million or less may use one of the ‘GST simplified accounting methods’ to account for GST instead.

Receiving payments or assets from foreign trusts

Additional tax liabilities may arise when money or assets of a foreign trust are paid to a taxpayer or applied for their benefit, and they are a beneficiary of the foreign trust. These can include:

  • loans to them by the trustee, directly or indirectly, through another entity;
  • amounts paid by the trustee to a third party on their behalf;
  • amounts that are described as gifts from family members but are sourced from the trust; and
  • distributions paid to them or trust assets (such as shares) transferred to them by the trustee.

Taxpayers who receive money from a foreign trust may need to ask further questions to determine whether the amount must be included in their assessable income, including:

  • whether they are a beneficiary of the foreign trust;
  • where the foreign trust obtained the money; and
  • why the money was paid to them, e.g., is it a payment for services, a gift, a distribution, or a loan?

Storing correct records for work-related expenses

Taxpayers need to consider what work-related expenses they will be looking to claim in the new financial year and what records they will need to substantiate those deductions.
Records can be kept as a paper version, an electronic copy, or a ‘true and clear’ photo of an original record.

Working from home deductions

Taxpayers can use two different methods to calculate their working from home deductions, and they each have different requirements:

  • With the fixed rate method, taxpayers will need a record of the actual number of hours they worked from home for the whole financial year and at least one record for each of the additional running expenses they incurred that the rate includes (e.g., an electricity bill).
  • To use the actual cost method, taxpayers must also keep records for any additional running expenses they incurred and the depreciating assets they bought and used while working from home, and show how they apportioned work-related use for their expenses and depreciating assets.

Editor: Please contact our office if you need any assistance with your record-keeping requirements, such as logbook requirements for car expenses.

Tax incentives for early-stage investors

The ATO is reminding investors who purchased new shares in a qualifying ‘early stage innovation company’ (‘ESIC’) that they may be eligible for tax incentives.
These tax incentives provide eligible investors who purchase new shares in an ESIC with:

  • a non-refundable carry-forward tax offset equal to 20% of the amount paid for their eligible investments – this is capped at a maximum tax offset amount of $200,000 for the investor and their affiliates combined in each income year; and
  • modified capital gains tax (‘CGT’) treatment under which capital gains on qualifying shares that are continuously held for at least 12 months and less than 10 years may be disregarded – capital losses on shares held less than 10 years must be disregarded.

The maximum tax offset cap of $200,000 does not limit the shares that qualify for the modified CGT treatment.

Penalties imposed on taxpayers who falsely amended tax returns

The Administrative Appeals Tribunal (‘AAT’) recently affirmed the ATO’s decision to impose shortfall penalties on a taxpayer who had lodged false amended income tax returns.
The taxpayer had lodged income tax returns for the 2020 and 2021 income years through her tax agent. The taxpayer subsequently lodged amended returns to claim deductions regarding a non-existent family trust for those years.
She did not consult her tax agent before doing so.
Following an audit, the ATO advised the taxpayer that she had no entitlement to the deductions claimed and it imposed shortfall and administrative penalties.
The AAT concluded that the conduct of the taxpayer was reckless and in lodging her amended tax returns without the knowledge of her tax agent, the taxpayer had not taken reasonable care. The AAT accordingly affirmed the ATO’s decision to impose shortfall and administrative penalties on the taxpayer.

Please note: Many of the comments in this publication are general in nature, and anyone intending to apply the information to practical circumstances should seek professional advice to independently verify their interpretation and the information’s applicability to their particular circumstances.

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Business Solutions, Chinese Post


作为 2024-25 年预算的一部分,政府宣布了“澳大利亚制造未来”一揽子计划,以支持澳大利亚向净零经济转型。该计划包括两项新的临时税收优惠: 这些措施现已成为法律。 关键矿产生产税收激励计划 CMPTI 为符合条件的公司提供可退还的税收抵免,抵免额相当于在澳大利亚加工某些关键矿物的合格成本的 10%。抵免最长期限为 10 年,即 2027 年 7 月 1 日至 2040 年 6 月 30 日。 CMPTI 由 ATO 和工业、科学和资源部联合管理。 氢气生产税收优惠 HPTI 是符合条件的公司生产的每公斤符合条件的氢气可获得 2 美元的可退还税收抵免。HPTI 适用于 2027 年 7 月 1 日至 2040 年 6 月 30 日收入年度内生产的符合条件的氢气,最长期限为 10 年。 HPTI 由 ATO 和清洁能源监管机构联合管理。


Business Solutions, Chinese Post


关于激励措施 在 2024-25 年预算中,澳大利亚政府宣布了其“澳大利亚制造的未来”一揽子计划。该计划支持澳大利亚向净零经济转型。 “澳大利亚制造未来”一揽子计划包括通过关键矿产生产税收激励计划 (CMPTI) 支持对澳大利亚关键矿产加工的投资。该措施现已成为法律。 CMPTI 为符合条件的受益人提供可退还的税收抵免,抵免额相当于在澳大利亚加工某些关键矿物的合格成本的 10%。抵免期限为 2027 年 7 月 1 日至 2040 年 6 月 30 日,最长 10 年。 行政 工业、科学和资源部 (DISR) 和 ATO 联合管理 CMPTI: 合格 如果您符合以下条件,则您有资格在某个收入年度获得 CMPTI 税收抵免: 您的公司必须是澳大利亚税务居民,或是通过澳大利亚常设机构从事加工活动的外国居民,并且在收入年度拥有 ABN。 您的公司还必须遵守财务主管制定的实施 CMPTI 社区福利原则的任何规则。 关键矿物清单 为了 CMPTI 税收抵免的目的,关键矿物是法律规定或法规所规定的清单中包含的矿物。 该立法列出了 31 种关键矿物。请参阅澳大利亚关键矿物清单在 DISR 网站上。 CMPTI 处理活动 CMPTI 加工活动是在澳大利亚一个或多个设施内进行的加工活动,这些设施包括: 某些活动(例如采矿、选矿和制造)不属于 CMPTI 加工活动。 如何申领 您必须注册贵公司相关收入年度的加工活动。 您自行评估公司的 CMPTI 税收抵免金额,并在收入年度的公司纳税申报表中申报。 注册处理活动 要使某项活动成为已注册的 CMPTI 加工活动,公司必须以批准的形式向工业部长 (DISR) 申请注册相关活动。DISR 将提供有关注册流程的信息待其可用时。 您的申请必须标明: 您最多可以注册 10 年的处理活动。维持注册需要每年满足要求。 您可以索偿什​​么 一个收入年度的 CMPTI 税收抵免金额是公司 CMPTI 支出的 10%。 CMPTI 支出是公司在一个收入年度内开展一项或多项注册的 CMPTI 加工活动时产生的支出,不属于排除支出。 不包括的支出包括: 注意:如果属于 CMPTI 支出,则最高可达 10% 的知识产权支出金额可以计入。 何时申领 您可以针对以下收入年份申请 CMPTI 税收抵免: