ATO’s notice of government payments data-matching program The ATO will acquire government payments data from government entities which administer government programs for the 2024 to 2026 income years, matching data on government payments made to service providers against ATO records, including service provider identification details and payment transaction details. The ATO estimates that records relating to approximately 60,000 service providers will be obtained each financial year, including approximately 9,000 individuals, with the remainder consisting of companies, partnerships, trusts and government entities. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ FBT on plug-in hybrid electric vehicles From 1 April 2025, a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (‘PHEV’) will not be considered a zero or low emissions vehicle under fringe benefits tax (‘FBT’) law and will not be eligible for […]
澳大利亚税务局(ATO)的政府支付数据匹配程序通知 澳大利亚税务局将从管理政府项目的政府机构获取2024至2026收入年度的政府支付数据,匹配向服务提供商支付的政府款项与税务局记录中的数据,包括服务提供商的识别信息和支付交易详情。 ATO 预计每个财政年度将获取约 60,000 个服务提供商的相关记录,其中包括大约9,000名个人,其余则为公司、合伙企业、信托和政府实体。 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 插电式混合动力电动车的附加福利税 自2025年4月1日起,插电式混合动力电动汽车(“PHEV”)将不再被视为附加福利税(“FBT”)法律规定的零排放或低排放车辆,因此也将不符合电动汽车 FBT 免税资格。然而,如果雇主满足以下条件,仍可继续适用电动汽车免税待遇: 在2025年4月1日之前,使用 PHEV可免于FBT的;并且雇主承诺在 2025 年 4 月 1 日及以后继续为雇员或其同事提供私人用车服务,且该承诺具有财务约束力(请注意,任何选择性延长协议均不被视为具有约束力)。 如果在2025年4月1日或之后对先前存在的承诺进行更改,则PHEV的FBT豁免将从新承诺之日起不再适用。 如果在2025年4月1日之前,雇主未就向特定员工提供汽车做出具有约束力的财务承诺,则在2025年4月1日之后,雇主无权享受FBT豁免。 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 养老金因同情理由提前释放的资格 自2018年7月1日起,澳大利亚税务局(ATO)负责管理因同情理由提前提取退休金的申请。 只有在申请人满足法规规定的所有条件,包括没有其他支付费用的途径时,ATO才会批准提取退休金。 符合条件的五个主要理由是: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 行政上诉法庭(AAT)驳回纳税人工作相关费用的支出 在最近的一项裁决中,行政上诉法庭(AAT)驳回了一名纳税人对各种工作相关费用的申请。 该纳税人在2020财年受雇为交通控制员。在该年度的个人所得税申报中,他申报了$9,800与工作相关的抵扣,包括汽车费用(使用每公里的计算方法)、差旅费用、服装费用和自我教育费用,以及补充的抵扣项。 澳大利亚税务局 (ATO) 驳回了所有抵扣费用,纳税人随后向 AAT 提出上诉 AAT 认同驳回纳税人所有与工作有关的开支申请,主要原因是纳税人未能通过收据/银行对账单或任何其他形式的证据证实这些开支。 此外,关于汽车费用的报销,AAT 注意到纳税人至少在某些时间使用了公司车辆。 AAT还提到,纳税人通常“没有尝试将工作使用与私人使用进行分配……即使我能对某种分配感到满意,金额可能也会微不足道,无法导致应税收入的实质性扣除。”
How the Serious Financial Crime Taskforce is acting against electronic sales suppression tools. On this page Businesses Illegally Using ESSTs The Serious Financial Crime Taskforce (SFCT) is aware of businesses using electronic sales suppression tools (ESSTs) to underreport their taxable income. With the increased use of digital technologies and online interactions, we are seeing: It has been illegal to produce, supply, possess, use, or promote ESSTs in Australia since October 2018. Taskforce Warning The SFCT is providing a strong warning to businesses about ESSTs. We understand there are sophisticated networks of operators actively developing and marketing these tools to small business owners. They often package them as an “all-in-one complete business solution” with low commissions, website presence, and an online[…]
Read the latest information about our 2024 Public Groups findings reports. We’re continuing to provide transparency with the latest release of our findings reports. This year, our Public Groups findings reports provide insight into large market risks, our programs of work, and engagement with large public and multinational companies. Each report has a separate focus and dataset, detailing information identified through risk analysis and program activities. For the first time, we’re offering new analysis that highlights trends across all reports and their implications for the Public Group population. Summary of Findings Reportable Tax Position (RTP) Schedule Report The RTP Schedule report provides insights into key corporate tax risks in the large market. It includes aggregated disclosures made by large public[…]
Encourage your clients to check if they have any lost super to claim. The latest data reveals that since 2021, we’ve reunited or paid out almost $6.4 billion in ATO-held super. However, there is still almost $17.8 billion in lost super waiting for people to claim. If your clients have ever changed their name, job, or super fund, they could have lost super. Even finding a small amount of lost super could make a big difference to their final balance at retirement. Finding Lost Super Let your clients know that using ATO online to find lost super is easy and only takes a few minutes. They will need a myGov account linked to the ATO. Once they link their myGov[…]
When to make a voluntary disclosure As an Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) fund, you should contact ATO as early as possible if: How to make a voluntary disclosure You should lodge a voluntary disclosure request by accessing the Super Enquiry Service (SES) for APRA funds. They’ll work with you to resolve reporting errors to help you meet your obligations and protect member benefits. Disclosures can range from relatively routine matters to complex situations, such as systemic errors that have occurred over time. If you identify any material errors or omissions with the balances, contributions, or events reported, you need to amend reporting within 30 days of becoming aware of these errors or omissions. Information you need to provide When[…]
About the Phoenix Taskforce The Phoenix Taskforce was established in 2014 to detect, deter and disrupt illegal phoenixing. We provide education and advice on how businesses can protect themselves and not break the law. We also work with specific industries and supply chains to close off opportunities. Phoenix Taskforce agencies share information and use sophisticated data-matching tools to identify those promoting or engaging in illegal phoenix activity. We take action against phoenix operators by: The most serious cases are referred to the Serious Financial Crime Taskforce. There are civil and criminal offences for those who promote or engage in illegal phoenix activity. This includes penalties for removing assets to hide them from creditors when a company is wound up. ASIC[…]
Overview of general anti-avoidance rules This information is relevant to you if both of the following apply: The PSI rules were introduced to prevent the diverting, alienating, or splitting of income with other individuals or entities in an attempt to pay less tax. The general anti-avoidance rules (GAAR) may still apply if you are a PSB and the PSI rules don’t apply. For the GAAR to apply to your arrangement, there must be a sole or dominant purpose to obtain a tax benefit. When the GAAR may apply The GAAR may apply where there are factors indicating that the dominant purpose of the arrangement is to obtain a tax benefit by diverting, alienating, or splitting your PSI or retaining profits in[…]
The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) is giving taxpayers simple steps to help avoid an unexpected tax bill next tax time. Assistant Commissioner Rob Thomson said there are many reasons that a taxpayer may end up with a bill at tax time. “There are a number of factors that impact your tax assessment. In simple terms, if you don’t receive a refund or bill, it means you’ve paid the correct amount of tax throughout the year. If you receive a bill, it may mean you didn’t pay enough – this can be for a number of reasons,” Mr Thomson said. Simple steps you can take right now to ensure the correct amount of tax is being put aside throughout the year:[…]
澳大利亚税务局(ATO)为纳税人提供了一些简单的步骤,以帮助他们在下个报税季避免意外的税单。 助理专员Rob Thomson表示,纳税人可能在报税时收到税单的原因有很多。 “有很多因素会影响您的税务评估。简单来说,如果您没有收到退税或税单,说明您全年缴纳了正确金额的税。如果收到税单,可能意味着您缴纳的税不够——原因可能有很多种。”Thomson先生说道。 现在您可以采取以下简单步骤,确保全年预留足够的税款: “记住,如果您有多个收入来源,您可能会因为总收入提升而进入不同的税率或学习贷款还款等级,导致收到税单。”Thomson先生说道。 更多关于如何为多个收入来源缴税或为何会收到税单的信息,可以在ATO官网找到。 “在您今年报税前,我们建议您核对信息是否正确——如果需要更新学习或培训支持贷款等信息,可以在报税时一并处理。”Thomson先生补充道。 “如果您在报税后收到税单,重要的是不要忽视它,但大多数税单并不是一收到就必须支付的。” “许多人误以为税务债务的利率低于典型的房贷利率。实际上并非如此。”Thomson先生说道。 对于面临财务困难或经济困境的纳税人,请尽早联系ATO或注册税务专业人士,讨论可用的支持选项,包括分期付款计划。 请注意:本文中的许多评论是一般性的,任何有意将其应用于实际情况的人士应寻求专业意见,以独立验证信息的解释及其适用于特定情况的适用性。