Critical minerals and hydrogen production incentives now law

As part of the 2024–25 Budget, the Government announced its Future Made in Australia package to support Australia’s transition to a net zero economy. This package included 2 new, temporary tax incentives:

These measures are now law.

Critical Minerals Production Tax Incentive

The CMPTI provides eligible companies with a refundable tax offset of 10 per cent of the eligible costs of processing certain critical minerals in Australia. The offset will be available for a maximum of 10 years between 1 July 2027 and 30 June 2040.

The CMPTI is jointly administered by the ATO and the Department of Industry, Science and Resources.

Hydrogen Production Tax Incentive

The HPTI is a refundable tax offset of $2 per kilogram of eligible hydrogen produced by eligible companies. The HPTI applies to eligible hydrogen produced in income years between 1 July 2027 and 30 June 2040, for a maximum of 10 years.

The HPTI is jointly administered by the ATO and the Clean Energy Regulator.

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Critical Minerals Production Tax Incentive

About the incentive In the 2024–25 Budget, the Australian Government announced its Future Made in Australia package. This package supports Australia’s transition to a net zero economy. The Future Made in Australia package includes support for investment in critical minerals processing in Australia through the Critical Minerals Production Tax Incentive (CMPTI). This measure is now law. The CMPTI provides eligible recipients with a refundable tax offset of 10 per cent of the eligible costs of processing certain critical minerals in Australia. The offset will be available between 1 July 2027 and 30 June 2040, for a maximum of 10 years. Administration The Department of Industry, Science and Resources (DISR) and the ATO jointly administer the CMPTI: Eligibility You are eligible for the CMPTI tax offset in an income […]


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