ATO Warns Rental Property Owners: Ensure Your Tax Return Is Accurate

The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has issued a warning to rental property owners, urging them to ensure their tax returns are accurate this tax season. According to ATO Assistant Commissioner Rob Thomson, many rental property owners are making errors in their tax returns, despite 86% of them using registered tax agents.

Common Mistakes:

  • Claimable Expenses: A frequent mistake involves misunderstanding what expenses can be claimed and when, especially differentiating between repairs and maintenance versus capital expenses.
  • Overclaimed Deductions: Some property owners are overclaiming deductions, including interest on loans used for personal expenses.
  • Insufficient Documentation: Lack of proper documentation to substantiate expense claims is a significant issue.

Key Points:

  • Repairs vs. Capital Items: Repairs can often be claimed immediately, but capital items (e.g., dishwashers, curtains) costing over $300 must be depreciated over time.
  • Interest Deductions: Only the interest on the portion of a loan used for the rental property can be claimed. Personal expenses added to the loan cannot be included in the interest deduction.
  • Record-Keeping: Detailed records, including receipts and bank statements, are essential. This helps avoid adjustments and penalties later.

Advice to Property Owners:

  • Consult with Tax Agents: Property owners should fully inform their tax agents about all expenses and clarify any uncertainties.
  • Understand the Rules: Resources like the ATO’s Investor toolkit can help understand the differences between various types of expenses and deductions.
  • Avoid Double Dipping: Expenses managed by property managers and included in their reports should not be claimed again separately by the property owner.

Example Case: A Melbourne taxpayer incorrectly claimed immediate deductions for new blinds, a cooktop, and air conditioners, which should have been depreciated. Additionally, they attempted to claim a personal home cooktop as a rental expense. These errors led to adjustments and penalties from the ATO.

By ensuring accurate and well-documented tax returns, rental property owners can avoid complications and potential penalties. For detailed guidance, property owners should consult tax professionals and refer to ATO resources.

Ref: ATO website.

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