
HELP 和学生贷款还款的重要变化

政府最近宣布了对高等教育贷款计划 (HELP) 和其他学生贷款计划还款方式的变更。政府表示,通过改变还款制度并增加人们在开始还款前可以赚取的金额,使 HELP 和学生贷款还款制度“更加公平”。 最低还款门槛将从 2024/25 年的 54,435 澳元变为 2025/26 年的 67,000 澳元。 政府还将引入一个系统,其中 HELP 还款仅根据超过新的 67,000 澳元门槛的收入计算,而不是根据年总收入计算还款。 “这个新的还款制度意味着人们只有在有能力的情况下才需要偿还学生贷款。人们在贷款的最初几年也会进行较少的还款。” 根据立法通过后,该法案将于 2025 年 7 月 1 日生效。 政府最近还宣布,将减少每个澳大利亚人的 HELP 或学生贷款债务 20%。 “立法通过后,(ATO)将对个人的 HELP 或学生贷款账户余额进行一次性 20% 的减免,然后在 2025 年 6 月 1 日应用指数化。 “这意味着指数化仅适用于剩余的贷款债务余额,例如在 HELP 债务减少 20% 之后。” ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TPB 2023/24 年度报告 税务从业人员委员会 (TPB) 主席 Peter de Cure 最近发布了 TPB 2023/24 年度报告,强调了与税务从业人员和纳税人的更多接触,同时重点关注高风险从业人员。他还强调,63,000 名税务从业人员中的大多数继续合乎道德和法律地行事,做正确的事情。年度报告中的一些关键亮点包括: 展望 2024/25 年,de Cure 先生表示,“TPB 将继续实施有针对性的合规计划,以应对系统性风险。 “TPB 还将继续协助该行业了解最近发布的《法规确定指南》草案的新义务,并确保最终指南既实用又支持税务从业人员。” 参考:TPB 网站,媒体发布。2024 年 11 月 4 日 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 参议院委员会关于非营利组织实体的建议 参议院委员会最近向 ATO 提出了关于非营利组织 (NFP) 实体提交自我审查申报表的各种建议。 这些建议是在委员会对 ATO 实施以下要求进行调查后提出的:某些自我评估为免税的非慈善非营利组织实体必须提交年度非营利自我审查申报表,以确认其自 2023 年 7 月 1 日起有资格自我评估为免税的非营利组织。 委员会提出了以下建议: 编辑:该委员会此前曾致函一系列个人和组织,提请他们注意该调查,并邀请他们在 2024 年 10 月 11 日前提交书面意见。参考:澳大利亚议会网站,“非营利实体 – 税务评估”,2024 年 11 月 4 日



Important changes to HELP and student loan repayments

The Government recently announced changes to repayments for the Higher Education Loan Program (‘HELP’) and other student loan schemes. It states that it is making the HELP and student loan repayment system ‘even fairer’ by changing the repayment system and increasing the amount people can earn before they are required to start repaying their loan. The minimum repayment threshold will change from $54,435 in the 2024/25 to $67,000 in 2025/26. The Government will also introduce a system where HELP repayments are calculated only on the income above the new $67,000 threshold rather than repayments being based on total annual income. “This new repayment system means that people will only have to make student loan repayments when they can afford to[…]




我们收到了参与者的几个问题,关于100%处于养老金阶段的SMSF是否仍然需要在其2024年SMSF年报表中提交信托收入表。 我们要求ATO就此问题做出澄清。具体来说,如果SMSF仅在2024收入年度(即基金100%处于养老金阶段)豁免当前养老金收入(‘ECPI’),它是否需要提交一份关于该年度从管理投资信托收到的信托分配的信托收入表? 根据信托收入表说明(QC101716)和SMSF申报表说明2024(QC101716),由于基金只有ECPI,因此不需要填写SMSF申报表的B部分,因此,项目11(收入)中没有报告任何内容。这也应该意味着基金不需要完成信托收入表。 然而,ATO的回应(如下所示)确认了在这些情况下仍需要附表: “当SMSF 100%处于退休金阶段时,根据ECPI规则,所有信托收入都是免税的,并且不需要填写SMSF年报表的B部分收入。然而,ATO的立场是,从2024年起,100%处于养老金阶段的SMSF仍然需要提交信托收入表(TIS)及其SMSF纳税申报表。 目前,ATO网站上的说明要求,从2024年所得税年度起,获得信托分配收入的个人、信托、合伙企业、公司、 SMSF和小型APRA基金必须完成TIS。 根据收到的反馈,特别是关于养恤金阶段的资金,确认可能需要审查和更新TIS指示,以适当地处理这一具体报告要求。我们目前正在进行这项审查,并将根据要求进行相关更新。” ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ATO确认NTAA的专业利润分配方法是正确的! NTAA 发言人 Andrew Gardiner 最近一直在与 ATO 联络,讨论 NTAA 对 PCG 2021/4 中包含的 ATO 风险评估框架的看法:专业公司利润分配 – ATO 合规方法(处理来自商业结构的专业收入)。 Andrew 在被 NTAA 的一名成员联系后联系了 ATO,该成员表示我们在实践风险评估软件( “PRAS” )中采用的方法不正确,并且我们的软件提供的指导不准确。 简而言之,我们认为,在应用 PCG 2021/4 中包含的风险评估框架时,出于分析目的,实践实体内保留的任何收入都包括在内。 我们的观点是基于这样一种做法,收入被“用于”合伙人,合伙人有权获得这笔款项,尽管这笔款项仍留在执业实体内。 相比之下,我们得知,另一家软件提供商和专业协会的立场是,任何留在执业实体内的收入都完全被排除在审计基准之外。 根据这种方法,只有当专业收入支付或用于专业公司运营实体以外的特定合伙人(或其实体)时,才会包括在内。不幸的是,当受到质疑时,软件提供商和专业协会的立场得到了我们的成员的积极确认,这让该成员质疑我们的做法。 因此,我们联系了 ATO,寻求澄清我们在这个重要问题上的做法是否正确。 ATO 的一名高级职员证实,我们的做法是正确的技术立场。这位工作人员随后表示,ATO 关于这个问题的指导将被修改,以确认 NTAA 的做法是正确的。 为此,ATO 随后更新了其文件“评估风险:专业公司内部的利润分配”(QC 42218)。在更新中,ATO 提供了一个名为“保留利润”的示例,该示例最终证实,在应用 PCG 2021/4 中概述的风险评估框架时,专业实践实体内保留的任何利润都包括在内。 因此,我们可以确认,我们的软件(PRAS)进行的分析与 ATO 提供的最新指南一致,我们的成员可以依赖它。 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ IGTO 关于 ATO 异议管理的报告 新任税务监察长兼税务监察员 (“IGTO”) Ruth Owen 建议进行改革,使所有纳税人能够更快、更简单地向 ATO 提出异议。Owen 女士发布了她对 ATO 异议管理和行政管理的最终审查报告。 监察长的报告强调了四个改进领域: 在与包括税务专业、公共服务、学术界和社区组织的利益相关者进行广泛的社区协商后,IGTO 还发布了其第一份系统审查前瞻性工作计划。该工作计划确定了三个优先审查领域,即: ATO 已 “全部、部分或原则上同意 IGTO 提出的所有建议” 。



ATO tax return requirements for SMSFs for 100% in pension phase

We received several questions from attends about whether an SMSF that is 100% in person phase is still required to lodge a Trust Income Schedule with its 2024 SMSF Annual Return. We sought clarification on this issue from the ATO. Specifically, if an SMSF only has exempt current pension income (‘ECPI’) for the 2024 income year (i.e. the fund is 100% in pension phase), does it need to lodge a Trust Income Schedule with respect to trust distributions that it received during the year from a managed investment trust? Based on the Trust Income Schedule instructions (QC 101716) and the SMSF Return instructions 2024 (QC 101714), as the fund only has ECPI, it is not required to complete Section B[…]



Taskforce Action on Electronic Sales Suppression Tools

How the Serious Financial Crime Taskforce is acting against electronic sales suppression tools. On this page Businesses Illegally Using ESSTs The Serious Financial Crime Taskforce (SFCT) is aware of businesses using electronic sales suppression tools (ESSTs) to underreport their taxable income. With the increased use of digital technologies and online interactions, we are seeing: It has been illegal to produce, supply, possess, use, or promote ESSTs in Australia since October 2018. Taskforce Warning The SFCT is providing a strong warning to businesses about ESSTs. We understand there are sophisticated networks of operators actively developing and marketing these tools to small business owners. They often package them as an “all-in-one complete business solution” with low commissions, website presence, and an online[…]



Key Insights from the Public Groups Findings Reports

Read the latest information about our 2024 Public Groups findings reports. We’re continuing to provide transparency with the latest release of our findings reports. This year, our Public Groups findings reports provide insight into large market risks, our programs of work, and engagement with large public and multinational companies. Each report has a separate focus and dataset, detailing information identified through risk analysis and program activities. For the first time, we’re offering new analysis that highlights trends across all reports and their implications for the Public Group population. Summary of Findings Reportable Tax Position (RTP) Schedule Report The RTP Schedule report provides insights into key corporate tax risks in the large market. It includes aggregated disclosures made by large public[…]



Keeping Your Business Secure During Tax Time: Essential Tips from ATO

With tax time in full swing, it’s crucial to keep your business secure online by implementing systems and processes that help reduce the risk of a cyber event. It’s also essential to plan for what you’ll do if a cyber-attack occurs. Every Australian business, regardless of size, is a target for cyber-attacks. While there are practical steps you can take to enhance your business’s cyber security, it’s vital to make these steps part of your business habits. This includes safeguarding accounts, protecting devices and information, and preparing your staff to identify cyber threats. To help reduce the risk of a cyber breach: The Australian Signals Directorate, through the Australian Cyber Security Centre, is the Australian Government’s leading authority for cyber[…]




SG缴款的下一个季度截止日期是7月28日。然而,由于该日期为周末,养老金基金必须在7月29日(星期一)之前收到您的付款。请记住按时全额支付并支付到正确的基金。 如果您每季度未按时支付SG缴款,则需要支付养老金担保罚款(SGC)。这比SG缴款金额要高,并且您无法将其作为税收扣除。 从7月1日起,SG税率已上调至11.5%,因此确保您在7月1日或之后为符合条件的员工支付的款项反映新的税率。 对于截至6月30日的季度,在7月1日之前支付的款项适用11%的SG税率。 SG税率将在2025年7月逐步增加到12%。 如果您需要帮助计算在7月1日之后需要为员工和符合条件的承包商支付的养老金金额: 参考:ATO网站 如需进一步信息,请联系Wiselink会计师事务所



Practice  Update ( 7 / 2024 )

ATO’s ‘main residence exemption tips’ Reminder of June 2024 Quarter Superannuation Guarantee (‘SG’) Employers are reminded that employee superannuation contributions for the 1 April 2024 to 30 June 2024 quarter must be received by the relevant super funds by 28 July 2024 (which is a Sunday), in order to avoid being liable to pay the SG charge. Notice of Medicare levy exemption data-matching program The ATO will acquire Medicare Exemption Statement data from Services Australia for the 2024 to 2026 income years, including individuals’ full names, dates of birth, residential addresses, entitlement status, and approved entitlement details. The objectives of this program are to (among other things) ensure individuals are correctly claiming an exemption from payment of the Medicare levy[…]



Small Business – Get ready for tax time

Are you ready for tax time? This might be your last chance to make any tax-deductible purchases before this financial year ends on 30 June. See if there are any tax-deductible items your business needs, or any concessions you can access. Finalise your employees’ Single Touch Payroll (STP) If you have employees, make sure you finalise their 2023–24 STP information by 14 July. This is an important end-of-year obligation and ensures your employees have the right information they need to lodge their income tax return. Remember to finalise all employees you’ve paid in the financial year, even those you haven’t paid for a while, like terminated employees. Check your pay as you go (PAYG) withholding and instalments From 1 July, individual tax rates and thresholds will change. This[…]