Small Business – Get ready for tax time

Are you ready for tax time?

This might be your last chance to make any tax-deductible purchases before this financial year ends on 30 June. See if there are any tax-deductible items your business needs, or any concessions you can access.

Finalise your employees’ Single Touch Payroll (STP)

If you have employees, make sure you finalise their 2023–24 STP information by 14 July. This is an important end-of-year obligation and ensures your employees have the right information they need to lodge their income tax return. Remember to finalise all employees you’ve paid in the financial year, even those you haven’t paid for a while, like terminated employees.

Check your pay as you go (PAYG) withholding and instalments

From 1 July, individual tax rates and thresholds will change. This will impact your PAYG withholding for the 2025 financial year.

Check you’re using the correct PAYG withholding tax table and that your payroll software is using the new withholding rates from 1 July.

When it comes to your PAYG instalments, if you think these could result in you paying too little or too much tax for the year, you can vary your instalments. You can do this when you lodge your activity statement or instalment notice through Online services for business or your registered tax professional.

Remember to lodge your variation on or before the day your PAYG instalment is due, and before you lodge your tax return for the year.

Good record-keeping habits

Heading toward the new financial year, think about your record-keeping habits this past year and whether you’d do anything differently. Good record keeping is one of the foundations of running a successful business.

Ref: ATO website.

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澳大利亚税务局(ATO)为纳税人提供了一些简单的步骤,以帮助他们在下个报税季避免意外的税单。 助理专员Rob Thomson表示,纳税人可能在报税时收到税单的原因有很多。 “有很多因素会影响您的税务评估。简单来说,如果您没有收到退税或税单,说明您全年缴纳了正确金额的税。如果收到税单,可能意味着您缴纳的税不够——原因可能有很多种。”Thomson先生说道。 现在您可以采取以下简单步骤,确保全年预留足够的税款: “记住,如果您有多个收入来源,您可能会因为总收入提升而进入不同的税率或学习贷款还款等级,导致收到税单。”Thomson先生说道。 更多关于如何为多个收入来源缴税或为何会收到税单的信息,可以在ATO官网找到。 “在您今年报税前,我们建议您核对信息是否正确——如果需要更新学习或培训支持贷款等信息,可以在报税时一并处理。”Thomson先生补充道。 “如果您在报税后收到税单,重要的是不要忽视它,但大多数税单并不是一收到就必须支付的。” “许多人误以为税务债务的利率低于典型的房贷利率。实际上并非如此。”Thomson先生说道。 对于面临财务困难或经济困境的纳税人,请尽早联系ATO或注册税务专业人士,讨论可用的支持选项,包括分期付款计划。 请注意:本文中的许多评论是一般性的,任何有意将其应用于实际情况的人士应寻求专业意见,以独立验证信息的解释及其适用于特定情况的适用性。