ATO’s lodgment penalty amnesty is about to end and businesses must meet the following criteria

The ATO is remitting failure to lodge penalties for eligible small businesses.  Businesses which have not yet taken advantage of the ATO’s lodgment penalty amnesty only have until 31 December 2023 to do so.

Businesses must meet the following criteria in order to be eligible for the amnesty:

1. had an annual turnover under $10 million when the original lodgment was due;

2. have overdue income tax returns, business activity statements or FBT returns that were due between 1 December 2019 and 28 February 2022; and

3. lodge between 1 June and 31 December 2023.

When taxpayers lodge their eligible income tax returns, business activity statements and FBT returns, failure to lodge penalties will be remitted without the need to apply.

The amnesty does not apply to privately owned groups or individuals controlling over $5 million of net wealth.

Directors who bring their company lodgments up to date can also have penalties remitted and, if they are reliant on company lodgments to finalise their own tax affairs, any failure to lodge penalties will be remitted.  This also applies to eligible lodgments made between 1 June and 31 December 2023.

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在报税季节,确保您的企业在线安全至关重要。通过实施系统和流程来降低网络事件的风险,同时制定应对网络攻击的计划。 每个澳大利亚企业,无论大小,都是网络攻击的目标。尽管您可以采取一些实际步骤来增强企业的网络安全,但关键是要将这些步骤融入企业日常操作中。这包括保护账户,保护设备和信息,以及培训员工识别网络威胁。 为了降低网络安全漏洞的风险,您可以采取以下措施: 澳大利亚信号局通过澳大利亚网络安全中心,是澳大利亚政府提供网络安全建议和帮助的权威机构。访问他们的网站,了解如何保护您的企业和员工免受澳大利亚企业常见的网络安全威胁。 参考来源:澳大利亚税务局(ATO)网站 如需更多信息,请联系Wiselink Accountants。


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